
Welcome to the Villa la Paz,
or “Home of Peace”.
Please view the links to the right to learn more about our organization and how you can help. All monies received by the Villa La Paz Foundation are used to fund Hogar San Francisco de Asís (Home of St. Francis of Assisi), our home for destitute, ill children in Peru. During 2012 the home spent between $34,000 and $35,000 per month. The foundation has no fixed income and depends solely on the generosity of its benefactors.
Your kindness and generosity is making life more than just an existence for our children. Thank you for your support.
Then he took a little child, stood him in the midst, and putting his arms around him, said to them, “Whoever welcomes a child such as this for my sake welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes, not me, but Him who sent me”.
Mark 9:36-37
The children on these pages are the face of God. In them He has become completely dependent on us. Thank you for your support of this work. We love you and wish you blessings of peace and joy.

The Pax et Bonum Foundation has produced two films in DVD format about our home for children. The films detail the day-today routine of the home and highlight the plight of the children we care for. They were produced at no cost to the Villa La Paz Foundation. Copies are available for a donation of $20.00. The Pax et Bonum’s mission is to put the power of film at the service of the poor. To order a copy of the film titled “The Patients of a Saint” or its sequel “The Smile of a Sick Child” please visit our website. The home for children is featured in another DVD called “The Human Experience” It is produced and sold by Grassroots Films, 119 Eagle Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222.